Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well, last night little Jocelyn slept 10 hours straight! ...from 8:30 p.m. to 6:45 when I finally woke her up because we had to get ready to go to her 2 month appointment with the pediatrician.  Wow!  I felt like a different person and she was much more rested when she woke up.  I know this may not happen every night, but if it became more the norm, that would be awesome!

Here she is on the changing table after waking up this morning...

J had a great visit with the pediatrician.  She now weights 11 lb 4 oz and is 24 inches long.  Pediatrician was very pleased with her growth, her muscle strength holding her head up, etc.  We chose not to get any vaccines yet...I just have a hard time putting anything in her little body.  We are waiting until her 4 month check-up.

...and home from the doctor:



  1. She is beautiful Sarah!! Yay for sleeping through the night! :)

  2. YAY!!! I'm so excited. I remember that night Bobby and I came up. I'm so glad ALL of ya'll are getting rest now. I pray that it continues
